Saturday 17th July
2021 was our second Trans Pride Online event due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. And it was our first LIVE broadcast!
Thanks to Brighton Pride who donated use of their TV studio and APNTV who donated their TV production skills we were able to stream live with our wonderful hosts Mzz Kimberley and MrBlackBranson. We also had a few special studio guests, as well as an amazing line up of recorded music and spoken word performances.
Because we haven’t been able to meet in person for the past couple of years, this year’s event had the slogan “Trans Pride Brighton: The Sofa Years”.
The event was a huge success, with over 50,000 viewers joining us online throughout the day. We even ended up on the homepage of Twitch!!!
If you missed the live broadcast you can catch up with the whole thing on YouTube 🙂
Behind the scenes in the studio
Credit for photographs: Trans Pride Brighton & APNTV
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