A call out to musicians, poets and spoken word artists!
Would you like to perform on main stage at Trans Pride Brighton 2019; DIY After Gig; and Saturday Night DJs? If so, this is for you!
This is a day dedicated to the empowerment of all trans, intersex, gender variant and gender-questioning people.
a) Requirements for the Main Stage at the park:
• The performance will be on the 20th July 2019 from 1pm till 6pm.
• For poetry and spoken word: your work should be a celebration of trans and gender identity.
• We are giving opportunity for you to show trans and gender identity in a positive light.
• Cisgender (i.e. non-trans) artists are welcome to participate yet in partnership with trans, NB (non-binary) and intersex members.
• Local Trans/Non-Binary/Intersex people will be given preference and Trans/Non-Binary/Intersex BAME people (Black, Asian, and minority ethnic) will be given a higher preference.
• The main stage has to be family friendly and therefore adaptations will be required (i.e. no swearing, discussion of adult themes and nudity).
• You will be required to send all lyrics and poems in a word or pdf format, so we give it to our BSL (British Sign Language) Interpreters.
b) Requirements for DIY After Gig Stage:
• The performance will be on the 20th July 2019 from 7pm till 11.30pm.
• Local Trans/Non-Binary/Intersex people will be given preference and Trans/Non-Binary/Intersex BAME people (Black, Asian, and minority ethnic) will be given a higher preference.
• As this is a DIY GIG, this will be for the loud and proud postpunk/metal bands.
• Trans content in your lyrics will be given preference.
• Cisgender (i.e. non-trans) artists are welcome to participate yet in partnership with trans, NB (non-binary) and intersex members.
c) Requirements for Saturday Night DJs:
• This will take place on the 20th July 2019.
• We are looking for Metal Music, Punk Music and Gothic Music DJs.
• Local Trans/Non-Binary/Intersex people will be given preference and Trans/Non-Binary/Intersex BAME people (Black, Asian, and minority ethnic) will be given a higher preference.
Contact us with a short introduction and links of your work.
a) Trans Pride Brighton 2019 – Main Stage – [email protected]
b) Trans Pride Brighton 2019 – DIY After Gig Stage – [email protected]
c) Trans Pride Brighton 2019 – DJs – [email protected]
Use “Performer 2019” with a) “Main Stage”; b) “DIY After Gig Stage” or c) “DJs” in the Subject Line.
Unfortunately, due to limited spaces we will not be able to feature all performers that apply.
Applications close on the 31st May 2019, and successful performers will be notified soon thereafter.