Trans Pride Brighton and Hove is proud to announce that after a great response to our sports area last year we’re increasing our focus more on sports, wellbeing and fitness. Why? As members of the trans and non-binary community, we understand that there are a lot of barriers we face when getting involved with sports, fitness and keeping active. We’d like to provide a space where trans, intersex, non-binary, gender-variant and gender-queer people who wouldn’t normally do sports or be active can try out various activities, have some fun and talk to like-minded people. We welcome people of all abilities and experience.
Tuesday 16th July – Wheelchair Basketball

Wheelchair Basketball
Tuesday, 16th July 2019
Session is Free of Charge
Sports wheelchairs are provided and the event is open to wheelchair users and non-wheelchair users. Spaces are limited and priority will be given to wheelchair users first.
Sign up by emailing [email protected]
As part of Trans Pride Brighton and Hove 2019, we’ve paired up with Sussex Bears Wheelchair Basketball to host a taster session for the community. This is part of the Sussex Bears countdown to the Paralympics and will mark 406 days to the 2020 Summer Paralympics.
Sports wheelchairs will be provided, and the event is open to both wheelchair users and non-wheelchair users. You’ll get instruction on how to use a sports wheelchair, do some drills, shoot some hoops followed by a quick game.
It’s a great opportunity for us to be able to showcase some of the sports and activities available in the city of Brighton and Hove. Spaces are limited, so please sign up by sending us an email to [email protected].
Wednesday 17th July – Swimming

Wednesday, 17th July 2019
8:30pm – 9:20pm
St. Luke’s Pool, Brighton BN2 9ZE
Cost £4.95 / £2.95
As part of the Trans Pride Brighton and Hove season, we’re joining the Trans Swimming hosted by Freedom Leisure and the Brighton and Hove City Council. It’s a dedicated time slot for trans people to feel comfortable.
St Luke’s Pool is wheelchair accessible, it has poolside facilities and ramp access.
Thursday 18th July – Volleyball

Trans Can Volleyball
Thursday, 18th July 2019
Sign up by emailing [email protected]
About the activity: Trans Can Sport is collaborating with Trans Pride Brighton to bring Trans Can Volleyball to you the week of Trans Pride! We are excited to offer twice as many spaces at this session, which will be run by a qualified coach and supported by Trans Can Sport facilitators. The emphasis is on having fun whilst learning the key skills needed to play the game. The session will incorporate a warm-up, fun drills and match play.
Who can join: All levels of skill and fitness are welcome, but you must be 18 or over. Trans participants will be offered spaces first, with remaining spaces being offered to allies closer to the date. All participants will be required to register to Trans Can Sport via an online health questionnaire.
Price: £6.00, payable by bank transfer when you book. We’ll send you the bank details in your confirmation email.
Dates: Thursday 18 July 2019 at 8 pm – 9 pm
Booking: Email [email protected] to book your place. Bookings open 30 May 2019.
Saturday 20th July – Sports in the Park
Time: 1pm – 6pm
Place: Brunswick Square, Hove, BN3 1, United Kingdom
Tickets: Free
We are delighted to announce that Trans Pride Brighton & Hove 2019 will be on Saturday 20th July in Brunswick Square, Hove. We will host community and food stalls, a stage featuring trans bands, musicians and spoken word artists as well as our sports in the park programme:
- 1:15 pm Yoga
- 1:50pm European Martial Arts
- 2:40 pm Circus
- 3:30 pm Creating long term change and return benefits
- 4:05 pm Upper Body Workout
- 4:40 pm Boxing and Kickboxing Taster Session
Sunday 21st July – 2.5 or 5km Accessible Fun Run

Fun Run
Sunday, 21st July 2019 Registration Starts at 8:30
Entry Fee £8 / £4 Concession
For more info email [email protected]
There is a logo of Sports England in the bottom right-hand corner with the words Lottery Funded underneath
Time: Registration Opens 8:30 am Run starts 9:30.
Place: The run starts close to The Lawns Café on Hove Lawns, BN3 2FR.
Tickets: £8 for a standard entry, £3 concession entry. We also have a limited number of £0 concession entry email us at [email protected].
Trans Pride Brighton and Hove is hosting its first ever fun run. We say fun run but that’s just because it rhymes, we have lots of fun, but you don’t have to run, you can walk it if you prefer. The route is nice and flat and asphalt, so it’s fully accessible for people in wheelchairs. The course can be run either as 2½ km or 5 km.
The fun run is open to all trans, non-binary, intersex people, friends, family and allies.
We are pleased to announce that we’ve just received funding from Sports England for this event, so all the money raised will go back to Trans Pride Brighton and Hove to help fund future events.